Training the things you hate!
We have all been there, walking into the box you look at the board and it’s something you feel you aren’t good at.
Whether it be running, Olympic weight lifting or anything in between, we all have certain exercises we find harder than others. But this doesn’t have to be a bad thing!
Everything in the programme is designed for a specific reason. Everything has a designed output, helping make you a better athlete over a broad spectrum.
Even the warm up games and activation work have a designed overall impact on your athletic ability. The games are a fun way of incorporating certain components of fitness like coordination and accuracy. They are also getting your body warm for the session ahead.
The activation work helps you to learn how to correctly engage certain muscle groups so when you need to use these muscle groups in a strength or workout environment you can move more efficiently.
Everything we program is designed to create a balance in the body.
If there is an imbalance in the body you start to create deficiencies, these can lead to injuries very quickly. Our aim is too make the body as balanced as possible through varied training so you can do any task outside the gym to the best of your ability.
A positive is that it will actually have a very good effect on your strengths. For Example, when you train you are constantly using your metabolic pathways, you have:
- The Phosphagen system (which accounts for all exercise up to 10seconds i.e. 1RM, 100m Run)
- The Glycotic system (exercise usually between 10 seconds and 2 minutes)
- The Oxidative system (exercise over 2 minutes).
All these systems work together when you train so by improving one you are going to have a positive effect on the others.
For example if a power lifter did a lot of aerobic work then their recovery rate would be a lot quicker.
So…. If you’re someone who loves lifting weights, think about the benefit of doing the occasional aerobic session. The improved recovery rate will mean you’ll be able to lift more and feel better!!
If we were to use an example at the gym then I would have to use the big friendly oak tree that is Mike Mansfield (He will love this mention). I’m sure Mike won’t mind me mentioning that he struggled at first with Olympic Weightlifting and power output. However, Mike from his first session was amazing at gymnastic hanging movements.
Through lots of hard work and practice Mike has become more efficient and a lot stronger at Olympic Weightlifting. He is now starting to clean heavier than hisbodyweight (he doesn’t mention it a lot). This improvement in strength has enabled him to:
- Improve the balance between the strength of his upper and lower body.
- Have an improved understanding of hip extension!
- Increase his overall fitness!
- The increase in power has enabled him to improve his gymnastics even further!!
This is a great example of how often working your weaknesses and the things you hate doing doesn’t just improve them alone! But it also improves the things you love too!
As you get better at the things you hate, you usually begin to like them….. except thrusters! Everyone hates thrusters!
Jack Fleckney
I hope this has helped with understanding why it is such a good opportunity to think positively when you’re about to do a session you think isn’t a strength of yours. With patience and practice you’ll be able to call that weakness a strength and you’ll see how far you’ve come through all your hard work.
Keep up the amazing work Team Shirefit!!!!
Coach Ash
????Training the things you hate!????